Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Reflection #1: High Expectations

the following is the first of what will perhaps become several reflections i am writing for my research writing class. they are based off my reading of "Getting To Know The Church Fathers" by Bryan M. Litfin. i pray they speak to you, stir your heart and mind to actively pursue Christ at a deeper level than you might be now. this first one is based on chapter one of the book, Ignatius of Antioch:

i was convicted when i read about Ignatius' view of the bishop in a church. i have always viewed the pastor as the head spiritual leader for the congregation, but as the picture of the very presence of God! wow! knowing God has called me into the ministry, specifically to be a youth pastor, i am convicted.

it reminds me of how much people look up to a leader, and in the case of a pastor, the shepherd of the flock, the stakes are higher.

i think of James when he talks about presuming to be teachers (though specifically talking about speech there, i think we can use the same point here), and how we will be judged more strictly.

the role of the bishop, of the pastor, is one of great responsibility. it is one that should not be taken lightly, nor do i believe accepted eagerly (but humbly). i pray that as i continue to follow God in my calling, that i remember this philosophy of Ignatius, and strive to be the very presence of God to the flock He entrusts to me.

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