Wednesday, November 14, 2007


I cry, Father, Father, forgive me
You say, Child, I already have
You are beautiful
Beautiful Redemption
You are Beautiful
Beautiful Redemption

read those lyrics. and then read them again. read them several times. they are from the song Beautiful Redemption by Joy Williams, and these lyrics hit me today.

see, i always find myself questioning if i am forgiven for something i have done and have sought forgiveness for. i find myself asking for forgiveness over and over again as if i never have before. i know i am forgiven, Christ has died in my place and covered it all for all eternity. yet there is still something in me that makes me doubt. i love one of the lines before this chorus where she relates herself to Thomas, the one who doubted. how often do i doubt my forgiveness?

but i am reminded that i am forgiven. when i cry "Father forgive me", He already has. and because of this, i am beautiful. because i am His and He is mine, i am a beautiful redemption. nothing less.

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