Wednesday, January 16, 2008

weak, frail......Hope

something has come to my attention. something in my own personal life. it has come to my attention in a way that i had not expected it to, in a way i believe only God could have orchestrated.

my weakness. my frailty.

i find it curious, stepping back now and looking at my life. how strong i thought i was. thinking i could conquer it. will not conquer me.

and i have been proved wrong. i have come up short. i have been broken.

and i find it curious how this has come to my attention. through her. by her. speaking to me, listening to me. accepting me, loving me, despite my weakness and sin. and in that, challenging me to change for the better.

i am weak, and God has smacked me in the face with that reality through her. but in that, He has reminded me of Hope, again through her words. through her love. something i will never share with anyone else, she listens without condemning. something i fear to tell those i trust and respect most........i tell her.

and i know. i know that she will love me. how? i can't explain it. i have tried. i have searched, thought, prayed. it is just something i know. perhaps it is because she is just as open with me about her struggles. there is a trust, a love here that i have never sensed, never felt before between another person.

and i am weak, frail. yet, she looks at me. yet, she sees my baggage, my sin and struggle.

and she loves me still. even more.

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