about a week ago i realized at a deeper level that to simply want to follow after God and understand Him better is not good enough. i have to pursue it, i have to take action. and so i decided to start a study of Proverbs, and seek to understand better how to pursue God and live a life of wisdom and passion for Him.
it has been good. i am through the first two chapters and i feel heavy. because, i look back at my life and i realize i chose to miss the boat. i had the truth, and for whatever reason i chose to scoot it to the side in pursuit of myself.
so here i am now at the beginning of chapter three, and a thought jumped into my mind after reading verses one and two again:
My son, do not forget my teaching, but keep my commands in your heart, for they will prolong your life many years and bring you prosperity.
my mind jumps to a chapel that was done last week by one of Moody's past presidents, in which he spoke of aging well. he spoke of how he was on this talk show with a Catholic priest and a Jewish rabbi, and he was looked to for answering the main question. and it was this, that a resent poll done showed that those devout in their faith lived longer and healthier lives than those who were not devout. the host didnt buy it and wanted an answer.
the point that the past president made in his speech was basically this, that the key to longer, fuller, more meaningful life is devoutly and passionatly seeking after God and His Will, His commands.
i have to stop here. i want a longer, more meaningful life. if i am honest, i want to be prosperous. not financially nesicarily, but just in general. and i have noticed something looking back at my short life. the more i try to live this life after myself, the less prosperous i am and the more i hurt.
God lays it out clearly for us. apart from Him we find no rest. we find ultimate failure, a life that is pointless. but with Him, we find purpose. under His wings we find true joy, everlasting life, and prosperity in ways never thought of.
i want this. not for my benefit, but for those in my life. i have fallen a lot in life, and im sick of getting scrapped knees and bruised elbows. im sick of being in self-brought pain and failure. im sick of giving Satan a place in my life.
i want a life that is rich with God, and not just for myself. i want it for those in my life, for my future wife and family. for my friends. i want it for their sake. because lets face it, when we live for ourselves we do not just hurt ourselves.
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