Wednesday, September 24, 2008

do you seek?

a thought i have had in light of a conversation with an old friend about understanding things in this world.

Proverbs 1:7 says this:

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge...

Proverbs 2:6 says this:
For the LORD gives wisdom, and from His mouth come knowledge and understanding.

we naturally want to understand things. it is clear where understanding comes from and how we can attain it in our own lives.

so here is my thought. how can we expect to gain understanding when we consciously chose to walk in our own ways?

we go looking for understanding often times in the wrong places, and seem shocked, upset and angry with God when we come back empty handed. and yet is it any wonder we have nothing to show for our efforts?

if we want true understanding, we must seek the One from which all understanding originates from. we must be willing to humbly submit ourselves before Him, and follow His ways. any other way is foolish.

and what of those times God withholds understanding? this is where faith comes in. faith that God is in control of all things, even when it seems He is not. let us keep in mind we only see the brush strokes, where as God sees the painting in its entirety.

i will end with this. i cannot recall any instance in Scripture, or my life or the lives of those around me where God granted wisdom and understanding unless the individual was seeking after God with all of their being, striving to walk in His path.

so my question is this. you who seek understanding, who's path are you following?

your own, or God's?

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