i am sick today. i have been fighting a cold for the last few days, and last night it took me down. but i see the light. because of it though, i missed work today. and i miss it. it is funny, as frustrating as some of the campers can be, i still love them. as much as at some times i wish i could just strangle them (let's be honest here), deep down i want to see them live, grow and learn.
i dont feel i have really had the chance to reflect on this summer as of yet. and here i find that chance. i love it.sure, i dont enjoy getting up at the crack of dawn and driving through peoria traffic every day, but when i step back and look at the big picture i smile. i really do love it.
and the kids. wow. you know how they say kids love stories???? do they ever. i can have a rowdy bunch of kids who wont listen, and as soon as i start telling a Bible story, 9 out of 10 are listening quietly. and they want more. i cant tell you how many opportunities i have had in the last four weeks to talk with campers about Jesus, the Bible and God. they want it, and a lot of them are jumping at the bit for it.
yesterday i started something new with the oldest group, and i think it fits nicely. they are the Romans, named after the book in the Bible. i began reading every morning and every afternoon before camp ended with reading Romans 12. i took the idea from my friend Eric Potter who i worked with last summer at a church, and we did it with the high school students. it is fitting i think, to remind ourselves of what we are called to do, and who we are called to be.
i am excited for the rest of this summer, i really am. i have a few more weeks left to go, with a few off coming up. but one last thought. something that i have been chewing on the last 24 hours or so.
should we not all begin our days with reading something like Romans 12? a specific reminder to us each of what we are to be and do. not to neglect the rest of God's Word, but to include it in our regular devotions of the day. let us not forget who we are called to be and what we are capable of becoming in Christ.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
in Christ
Composed by
Luke W.
11:33 AM
Monday, June 9, 2008
An Impression
last night i spent some time in the book of Daniel. i have spent a lot of time in there this past year, and i intend to spend much more time there in the days to come.
i have said much about Daniel in several posts, but last night something stuck out to me i never noticed before.....something i find curious. i do not have an answer in stone to my question, but i have some thoughts i wish to share.
Among these were some from Judah: Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael and Azeriah.
Daniel 1:6
the part before this tells how king Neb captured several Israelites, and brought them back to his kingdom in Babylon. but some men were brought to be trained and serve in the court of the king.
do you see what caught my eye? i find it interesting that out of what must have been more than just a hand-full of men, only four are mentioned by name.
but why? the Scripture does not elaborate on this. but i have been thinking. thinking about all of the other times people are mentioned by name in Scripture compared to this time. and my mind rests on this: they stood out.
Daniel and his friends, who some might know better as Rack, Shack and Benny, made an impression that could not be over looked. they made an impression by following God. but more than this, by using the gifts God granted them. look at this.....
The king talked with them, and he found none more equal to Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael and Azeriah.
Daniel 1:19a
out of all the men trained to serve in his court, the king found none that compared to these four. and because of this they were granted much favor by the king.
i have to stop and think. if i were in a group of people and someone wrote a book about them, would my name be mentioned? more than that, would it be in a positive light? would i stand out in the crowd as a light to God?
would i make an impression?
Daniel and his friends did. they had rock solid character.....unshakable integrity.
do we have that?
Composed by
Luke W.
5:19 PM
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